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'Larynx Lab'  

In the study and understanding of the mechanics of the larynx, functional models have provided invaluable. 


The first models were made from meccano, but were time consuming to adjust and did not incorporate the vocal folds easily. The next models were created using PVC pipe and exercise bands.


The ability for students to see and experience what was going on inside the throat proved very useful in teaching.


Two new models were created in 2020 - a very big larynx - with foot-long vocal folds - and a functional model using an air compressor. This has made recreating pitch possible and a scale and half arpeggio can be performed.


(**warning** - do not use hairdryers, mattress inflaters or bouncy-castle blowers to try this at home -when the folds are put across the air the back pressure will put the motor under too much load, then overheat or short-out)



larynx model a.JPG
large larynx.JPG
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